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Online Early-Late Fusion Based on Adaptive HMM for Sign Language Recognition

Published: 20 December 2017 Publication History


In sign language recognition (SLR) with multimodal data, a sign word can be represented by multiply features, for which there exist an intrinsic property and a mutually complementary relationship among them. To fully explore those relationships, we propose an online early-late fusion method based on the adaptive Hidden Markov Model (HMM). In terms of the intrinsic property, we discover that inherent latent change states of each sign are related not only to the number of key gestures and body poses but also to their translation relationships. We propose an adaptive HMM method to obtain the hidden state number of each sign by affinity propagation clustering. For the complementary relationship, we propose an online early-late fusion scheme. The early fusion (feature fusion) is dedicated to preserving useful information to achieve a better complementary score, while the late fusion (score fusion) uncovers the significance of those features and aggregates them in a weighting manner. Different from classical fusion methods, the fusion is query adaptive. For different queries, after feature selection (including the combined feature), the fusion weight is inversely proportional to the area under the curve of the normalized query score list for each selected feature. The whole fusion process is effective and efficient. Experiments verify the effectiveness on the signer-independent SLR with large vocabulary. Compared either on different dataset sizes or to different SLR models, our method demonstrates consistent and promising performance.


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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 14, Issue 1
February 2018
287 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 20 December 2017
Accepted: 01 October 2017
Revised: 01 October 2017
Received: 01 January 2017
Published in TOMM Volume 14, Issue 1


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  1. HMM
  2. Sign language recognition
  3. multi-modal feature fusion
  4. online algorithm
  5. query-adaptive


  • Research-article
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  • NSFC


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