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10.1145/3173574.3173759acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

SymbiosisSketch: Combining 2D & 3D Sketching for Designing Detailed 3D Objects in Situ

Published: 19 April 2018 Publication History


We present SymbiosisSketch, a hybrid sketching system that combines drawing in air (3D) and on a drawing surface (2D) to create detailed 3D designs of arbitrary scale in an augmented reality (AR) setting. SymbiosisSketch leverages the complementary affordances of 3D (immersive, unconstrained, life-sized) and 2D (precise, constrained, ergonomic) interactions for in situ 3D conceptual design. A defining aspect of our system is the ongoing creation of surfaces from unorganized collections of 3D curves. These surfaces serve a dual purpose: as 3D canvases to map strokes drawn on a 2D tablet, and as shape proxies to occlude the physical environment and hidden curves in a 3D sketch. SymbiosisSketch users draw interchangeably on a 2D tablet or in 3D within an ergonomically comfortable canonical volume, mapped to arbitrary scale in AR. Our evaluation study shows this hybrid technique to be easy to use in situ and effective in transcending the creative potential of either traditional sketching or drawing in air.

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