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Automatic Extraction of Behavioral Patterns for Elderly Mobility and Daily Routine Analysis

Published: 01 June 2018 Publication History


The elderly living in smart homes can have their daily movement recorded and analyzed. As different elders can have their own living habits, a methodology that can automatically identify their daily activities and discover their daily routines will be useful for better elderly care and support. In this article, we focus on automatic detection of behavioral patterns from the trajectory data of an individual for activity identification as well as daily routine discovery. The underlying challenges lie in the need to consider longer-range dependency of the sensor triggering events and spatiotemporal variations of the behavioral patterns exhibited by humans. We propose to represent the trajectory data using a behavior-aware flow graph that is a probabilistic finite state automaton with its nodes and edges attributed with some local behavior-aware features. We identify the underlying subflows as the behavioral patterns using the kernel k-means algorithm. Given the identified activities, we propose a novel nominal matrix factorization method under a Bayesian framework with Lasso to extract highly interpretable daily routines. For empirical evaluation, the proposed methodology has been compared with a number of existing methods based on both synthetic and publicly available real smart home datasets with promising results obtained. We also discuss how the proposed unsupervised methodology can be used to support exploratory behavior analysis for elderly care.


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ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 9, Issue 5
Research Survey and Regular Papers
September 2018
274 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Publication History

Published: 01 June 2018
Accepted: 01 January 2018
Revised: 01 November 2017
Received: 01 March 2017
Published in TIST Volume 9, Issue 5


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  1. Bayesian inference
  2. Nominal matrix factorization
  3. probabilistic hierarchical model
  4. routine pattern discovery


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