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Datalog: concepts, history, and outlook

Published: 01 September 2018 Publication History


This chapter is a survey of the history and the main concepts of Datalog.We begin with an introduction to the language and its use for database definition and querying. We then look back at the threads from logic languages, databases, artificial intelligence, and expert systems that led to the emergence of Datalog and reminiscence about the origin of the name. We consider the interaction of recursion with other common data language features, such as negation and aggregation, and look at other extensions, such as constraints, updates, and object-oriented features.We provide an overview of the main approaches to Datalog evaluation and their variants, then recount some early implementations of Datalog and of similar deductive database systems.We speculate on the reasons for the decline in the interest in the language in the 1990s and the causes for its later resurgence in a number of application areas.We conclude with several examples of current systems based on or supporting Datalog and briefly examine the performance of some of them.


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Declarative Logic Programming: Theory, Systems, and Applications
September 2018
615 pages


Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool

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Published: 01 September 2018


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