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Modularity for decidability of deductive verification with applications to distributed systems

Published: 11 June 2018 Publication History


Proof automation can substantially increase productivity in formal verification of complex systems. However, unpredictablility of automated provers in handling quantified formulas presents a major hurdle to usability of these tools. We propose to solve this problem not by improving the provers, but by using a modular proof methodology that allows us to produce decidable verification conditions. Decidability greatly improves predictability of proof automation, resulting in a more practical verification approach. We apply this methodology to develop verified implementations of distributed protocols, demonstrating its effectiveness.

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  1. Modularity for decidability of deductive verification with applications to distributed systems



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    PLDI 2018: Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
    June 2018
    825 pages
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    Published: 11 June 2018


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    Author Tags

    1. Decidable logic
    2. Distributed systems
    3. Formal verification
    4. Ivy
    5. Modularity
    6. Paxos
    7. Raft


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