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10.1145/3198458.3198461acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesasia-ccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

On Practical Threat Scenario Testing in an Electric Power ICS Testbed

Published: 22 May 2018 Publication History


Industrial control system networks in real world usually require a complex composition of many different devices, protocols, and services. Unfortunately, such practical setups are rarely documented publicly in sufficient technical detail to allow third parties to use the system as reference for their research. As a result, security researchers often have to work with abstract and simplified system assumptions, which might not translate well to practice. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of the network services provided by industrial devices found in the EPIC (Electric Power and Intelligent Control) system at SUTD. We provide a detailed network topology of the different network segments, enumerate hosts, models, protocols, and services provided. We argue that such a detailed system description can serve as an enabler for more practical security research. In particular, we discuss how the reported information can be used for emulating a diverse set of important threat scenarios in the smart grid domain. In addition, the provided details allow other researchers to build more detailed models or simulations.


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  1. On Practical Threat Scenario Testing in an Electric Power ICS Testbed



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CPSS '18: Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security
    May 2018
    79 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 22 May 2018


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    1. ics
    2. industrial protocols
    3. testbed
    4. threat scenario testing


    • Research-article

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    • National Research Foundation Prime Minister's Office Singapore


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    Overall Acceptance Rate 43 of 135 submissions, 32%


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