Cited By
View all- Isah HAbughofa TMahfuz SAjerla DZulkernine FKhan S(2019)A Survey of Distributed Data Stream Processing FrameworksIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2019.29468847(154300-154316)Online publication date: 2019
Approximate computing aims for efficient execution of workflows where an approximate output is sufficient instead of the exact output. The idea behind approximate computing is to compute over a representative sample instead of the entire input dataset. ...
The ability to process large numbers of continuous data streams in a near-real-time fashion has become a crucial prerequisite for many scientific and industrial use cases in recent years. While the individual data streams are usually trivial to process, ...
In recent years, our customers have expressed frustration in the traditional approach of using a combination of disparate products to handle their streaming, transactional and analytical needs. The common practice of stitching heterogeneous environments ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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