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The Cost of Uncertainty in Curing Epidemics

Published: 13 June 2018 Publication History


Motivated by the study of controlling (curing) epidemics, we consider the spread of an SI process on a known graph, where we have a limited budget to use to transition infected nodes back to the susceptible state (i.e., to cure nodes). Recent work has demonstrated that under perfect and instantaneous information (which nodes are/are not infected), the budget required for curing a graph precisely depends on a combinatorial property called the CutWidth. We show that this assumption is in fact necessary: even a minor degradation of perfect information, e.g., a diagnostic test that is 99% accurate, drastically alters the landscape. Infections that could previously be cured in sublinear time now may require exponential time, or orderwise larger budget to cure. The crux of the issue comes down to a tension not present in the full information case: if a node is suspected (but not certain) to be infected, do we risk wasting our budget to try to cure an uninfected node, or increase our certainty by longer observation, at the risk that the infection spreads further? Our results present fundamental, algorithm-independent bounds that tradeoff budget required vs. uncertainty.


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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems  Volume 2, Issue 2
June 2018
370 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 June 2018
Published in POMACS Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. contact process on graph
  2. contagion
  3. controlled si model
  4. partial information
  5. time to extinction


  • Research-article

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  • (2021)Active Screening for Recurrent Diseases: A Reinforcement Learning ApproachProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems10.5555/3463952.3464068(992-1000)Online publication date: 3-May-2021
  • (2021)Agent-Based Markov Modeling for Improved COVID-19 Mitigation PoliciesJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research10.1613/jair.1.1263271(953-992)Online publication date: 10-Sep-2021
  • (2020)Who and When to ScreenProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems10.5555/3398761.3398877(992-1000)Online publication date: 5-May-2020

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