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View all- Sama NZen KHumayun MJhanjhi NRahman A(2022)Security in Wireless Body Sensor Network: A Multivocal Literature StudyApplied System Innovation10.3390/asi50400795:4(79)Online publication date: 15-Aug-2022
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a very efficient way of authorising users to access confidential data in organisations without public-key validation from external trusted authorities or complex login processes. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based ...
Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption CP-ABE is a novel cryptographic primitive for access controlling. However, the existing CP-ABE schemes are very inefficient as the decryptions involve many expensive pairing operations. Another drawback is ...
In ciphertext-policy attributed-based encryption (CP-ABE), each ciphertext is labeled by the encryptor with an access structure (also called ciphertext policy) and each private key is associated with a set of attributes. A user should be able to decrypt ...
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