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Automated Affect Detection in Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Pilot Study

Published: 02 October 2018 Publication History


Automated measurement of affective behavior in psychopathology has been limited primarily to screening and diagnosis. While useful, clinicians more often are concerned with whether patients are improving in response to treatment. Are symptoms abating, is affect becoming more positive, are unanticipated side effects emerging? When treatment includes neural implants, need for objective, repeatable biometrics tied to neurophysiology becomes especially pressing. We used automated face analysis to assess treatment response to deep brain stimulation (DBS) in two patients with intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). One was assessed intraoperatively following implantation and activation of the DBS device. The other was assessed three months post-implantation. Both were assessed during DBS on and off conditions. Positive and negative valence were quantified using a CNN trained on normative data of 160 non-OCD participants. Thus, a secondary goal was domain transfer of the classifiers. In both contexts, DBS-on resulted in marked positive affect. In response to DBS-off, affect flattened in both contexts and alternated with increased negative affect in the outpatient setting. Mean AUC for domain transfer was 0.87. These findings suggest that parametric variation of DBS is strongly related to affective behavior and may introduce vulnerability for negative affect in the event that DBS is discontinued.


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  1. Automated Affect Detection in Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Pilot Study



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    ICMI '18: Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
    October 2018
    687 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 02 October 2018


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    Author Tags

    1. action units
    2. behavioral dynamics
    3. body expression
    4. deep brain stimulation
    5. facial expression
    6. obsessive compulsive disorder
    7. social signal processing


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