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Automatic Diacritics Restoration for Tunisian Dialect

Published: 12 July 2019 Publication History


Modern Standard Arabic, as well as Arabic dialect languages, are usually written without diacritics. The absence of these marks constitute a real problem in the automatic processing of these data by NLP tools. Indeed, writing Arabic without diacritics introduces several types of ambiguity. First, a word without diacratics could have many possible meanings depending on their diacritization. Second, undiacritized surface forms of an Arabic word might have as many as 200 readings depending on the complexity of its morphology [12]. In fact, the agglutination property of Arabic might produce a problem that can only be resolved using diacritics. Third, without diacritics a word could have many possible parts of speech (POS) instead of one. This is the case with the words that have the same spelling and POS tag but a different lexical sense, or words that have the same spelling but different POS tags and lexical senses [8]. Finally, there is ambiguity at the grammatical level (syntactic ambiguity). In this article, we propose the first work that investigates the automatic diacritization of Tunisian Dialect texts. We first describe our annotation guidelines and procedure. Then, we propose two major models, namely a statistical machine translation (SMT) and a discriminative model as a sequence classification task based on Conditional Random Fields (CRF). In the second approach, we integrate POS features to influence the generation of diacritics. Diacritics restoration was performed at both the word and the character levels. The results showed high scores of automatic diacritization based on the CRF system (Word Error Rate (WER) 21.44% for CRF and WER 34.6% for SMT).


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ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  Volume 18, Issue 3
September 2019
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Publication History

Published: 12 July 2019
Accepted: 01 December 2018
Revised: 01 October 2018
Received: 01 May 2018
Published in TALLIP Volume 18, Issue 3


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  1. CRF model
  2. Natural language processing
  3. POS tagging
  4. SMT model
  5. Tunisian dialect
  6. diacritization


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