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10.1145/3297662.3365811acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmedesConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Gaming Ecosystems for Education and Research: Where Artificial Intelligence meets with Software Engineering, at scale

Published: 10 January 2020 Publication History


We present aspects of ecosystem engineering for a strategy board game. Human and machine players of the ecosystem can pick opponents or form teams and play against other teams or players. We present the key features of the ecosystem, the highlights of the development process and we propose concrete potential uses of the ecosystem in research and education.


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Cited By

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  • (2022)An experimental comparison of single-agent and multi-agent learning-and-playing algorithms in a gaming ecosystemIntelligent Decision Technologies10.3233/IDT-21021216:2(431-439)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022

Index Terms

  1. Gaming Ecosystems for Education and Research: Where Artificial Intelligence meets with Software Engineering, at scale



          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image ACM Other conferences
          MEDES '19: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems
          November 2019
          350 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 10 January 2020


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          Author Tags

          1. Artificial Intelligence
          2. Machine Learning
          3. Machine Learning Competitions
          4. Reinforcement Learning
          5. Software Engineering


          • Research-article
          • Research
          • Refereed limited

          Funding Sources

          • Regional Operational Program of Western Greece 2014-2020 and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)


          MEDES '19

          Acceptance Rates

          MEDES '19 Paper Acceptance Rate 41 of 102 submissions, 40%;
          Overall Acceptance Rate 267 of 682 submissions, 39%


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          Cited By

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          • (2022)An experimental comparison of single-agent and multi-agent learning-and-playing algorithms in a gaming ecosystemIntelligent Decision Technologies10.3233/IDT-21021216:2(431-439)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022

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