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10.1145/3300061.3300117acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmobicomConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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SignSpeaker: A Real-time, High-Precision SmartWatch-based Sign Language Translator

Published: 05 August 2019 Publication History


Sign language is a natural and fully-formed communication method for deaf or hearing-impaired people. Unfortunately, most of the state-of-the-art sign recognition technologies are limited by either high energy consumption or expensive device costs and have a difficult time providing a real-time service in a daily-life environment. Inspired by previous works on motion detection with wearable devices, we propose Sign Speaker - a real-time, robust, and user-friendly American sign language recognition (ASLR) system with affordable and portable commodity mobile devices. SignSpeaker is deployed on a smartwatch along with a smartphone; the smartwatch collects the sign signals and the smartphone outputs translation through an inbuilt loudspeaker. We implement a prototype system and run a series of experiments that demonstrate the promising performance of our system. For example, the average translation time is approximately $1.1$ seconds for a sentence with eleven words. The average detection ratio and reliability of sign recognition are 99.2% and 99.5%, respectively. The average word error rate of continuous sentence recognition is 1.04% on average.


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  1. SignSpeaker: A Real-time, High-Precision SmartWatch-based Sign Language Translator



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      MobiCom '19: The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
      August 2019
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      Published: 05 August 2019


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