Cited By
View all- Schwarz-Rüsch SBehlendorf MBecker MKudlek RMohamed HSchoenitz FJehl LKapitza RBellavista PZhang KGherbi ABagchi SPatiño MDi Modica GGascon-Samson J(2022)EventChainProceedings of the 23rd ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference10.1145/3528535.3565243(174-187)Online publication date: 7-Nov-2022
- David LHassidim AMatias YYung MZiv A(2022)Eddystone-EID: Secure and Private Infrastructural Protocol for BLE BeaconsIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security10.1109/TIFS.2022.321407417(3877-3889)Online publication date: 2022
- Will NGomes Valadares DDe Souza Santos DPerkusich A(2021)Intel Software Guard Extensions in Internet of Things Scenarios: A Systematic Mapping Study2021 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud)10.1109/FiCloud49777.2021.00056(342-349)Online publication date: Aug-2021