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OO-VR: NUMA friendly <u>o</u>bject-<u>o</u>riented <u>VR</u> rendering framework for future NUMA-based multi-GPU systems

Published: 22 June 2019 Publication History


With the strong computation capability, NUMA-based multi-GPU system is a promising candidate to provide sustainable and scalable performance for Virtual Reality (VR) applications and deliver the excellent user experience. However, the entire multi-GPU system is viewed as a single GPU under the single programming model which greatly ignores the data locality among VR rendering tasks during the workload distribution, leading to tremendous remote memory accesses among GPU models (GPMs). The limited inter-GPM link bandwidth (e.g., 64GB/s for NVlink) becomes the major obstacle when executing VR applications in the multi-GPU system. By conducting comprehensive characterizations on different kinds of parallel rendering frameworks, we observe that distributing the rendering object along with its required data per GPM can reduce the inter-GPM memory accesses. However, this object-level rendering still faces two major challenges in NUMA-based multi-GPU system: (1) the large data locality between the left and right views of the same object and the data sharing among different objects and (2) the unbalanced workloads induced by the software-level distribution and composition mechanisms.
To tackle these challenges, we propose object-oriented VR rendering framework (OO-VR) that conducts the software and hardware co-optimization to provide a NUMA friendly solution for VR multi-view rendering in NUMA-based multi-GPU systems. We first propose an object-oriented VR programming model to exploit the data sharing between two views of the same object and group objects into batches based on their texture sharing levels. Then, we design an object aware runtime batch distribution engine and distributed hardware composition unit to achieve the balanced workloads among GPMs and further improve the performance of VR rendering. Finally, evaluations on our VR featured simulator show that OO-VR provides 1.58x overall performance improvement and 76% inter-GPM memory traffic reduction over the state-of-the-art multi-GPU systems. In addition, OO-VR provides NUMA friendly performance scalability for the future larger multi-GPU scenarios with ever increasing asymmetric bandwidth between local and remote memory.


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