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Impact of Expertise on Interaction Preferences for Navigation Assistance of Visually Impaired Individuals

Published: 13 May 2019 Publication History


Navigation assistive technologies have been designed to support individuals with visual impairments during independent mobility by providing sensory augmentation and contextual awareness of their surroundings. Such information is habitually provided through predefned audio-haptic interaction paradigms. However, individual capabilities, preferences and behavior of people with visual impairments are heterogeneous, and may change due to experience, context and necessity. Therefore, the circumstances and modalities for providing navigation assistance need to be personalized to different users, and through time for each user.
We conduct a study with 13 blind participants to explore how the desirability of messages provided during assisted navigation varies based on users' navigation preferences and expertise. The participants are guided through two different routes, one without prior knowledge and one previously studied and traversed. The guidance is provided through turn-by-turn instructions, enriched with contextual information about the environment. During navigation and follow-up interviews, we uncover that participants have diversifed needs for navigation instructions based on their abilities and preferences. Our study motivates the design of future navigation systems capable of verbosity level personalization in order to keep the users engaged in the current situational context while minimizing distractions.


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W4A '19: Proceedings of the 16th International Web for All Conference
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 13 May 2019


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  1. Personalized Navigation Assistance
  2. Turn-by-turn Navigation
  3. User Preferences
  4. Visual Impairments and Blindness


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