Cited By
View all- Teja Gontumukkala SSai Varun Godavarthi YRavi Teja Gonugunta BPalaniswamy S(2022)Hand Cricket Game using CNN and MediaPipe2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)10.1109/ICCCNT54827.2022.9984411(1-6)Online publication date: 3-Oct-2022
- Li SCui GWang CLi YZhu X(2021)Design of Intelligent Grabbing System Based on ROS2021 6th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (CRC)10.1109/CRC52766.2021.9620128(158-164)Online publication date: 9-Oct-2021
- Yang ZLiu XLi ZYuan BZhang Y(2021)RF-Eletter: A Cross-Domain English Letter Recognition System Based on RFIDIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31282939(155260-155273)Online publication date: 2021