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View all- Fischer E(2020)Lifetime distribution of information diffusion on simultaneously growing networksSocial Network Analysis and Mining10.1007/s13278-020-00651-w10:1Online publication date: 2-Jun-2020
Economic and convenience benefits of interconnectivity drive current explosive emergence and growth of networked systems. However, as recent catastrophic contagious failures in numerous large scale networked infrastructures demonstrated, these benefits ...
Telecommunication networks, as well as other network types, are critical infrastructures where any service disruption has a notable impact on individuals. Hence, studying network dynamics under failures or attacks is of paramount importance. In this ...
We describe and validate a system for monitoring social contagions on Twitter: social movements, rumors, and emotional outbursts that spread from person to person in a viral manner. We use Twitter streams to monitor the spread of these phenomena through ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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