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A Survey on Food Computing

Published: 13 September 2019 Publication History


Food is essential for human life and it is fundamental to the human experience. Food-related study may support multifarious applications and services, such as guiding human behavior, improving human health, and understanding the culinary culture. With the rapid development of social networks, mobile networks, and Internet of Things (IoT), people commonly upload, share, and record food images, recipes, cooking videos, and food diaries, leading to large-scale food data. Large-scale food data offers rich knowledge about food and can help tackle many central issues of human society. Therefore, it is time to group several disparate issues related to food computing. Food computing acquires and analyzes heterogenous food data from different sources for perception, recognition, retrieval, recommendation, and monitoring of food. In food computing, computational approaches are applied to address food-related issues in medicine, biology, gastronomy, and agronomy. Both large-scale food data and recent breakthroughs in computer science are transforming the way we analyze food data. Therefore, a series of works has been conducted in the food area, targeting different food-oriented tasks and applications. However, there are very few systematic reviews that shape this area well and provide a comprehensive and in-depth summary of current efforts or detail open problems in this area. In this article, we formalize food computing and present such a comprehensive overview of various emerging concepts, methods, and tasks. We summarize key challenges and future directions ahead for food computing. This is the first comprehensive survey that targets the study of computing technology for the food area and also offers a collection of research studies and technologies to benefit researchers and practitioners working in different food-related fields.


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  • (2024)Food Calories Generator through Deep LearningJournal of Innovative Image Processing10.36548/jiip.2024.3.0046:3(262-272)Online publication date: Sep-2024
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William Edward Mihalo

The authors have written an extensive survey of the published literature related to food computing. The survey is about 26 pages long, with an additional ten pages of (about 300) references. The authors note: Food computing mainly utilizes the methods from computer science for food-related study. It involves the acquisition and analysis of food data with different modalities (e.g., food images, food logs, recipe, taste, and smell) from different data sources (e.g., the social network, recipe-sharing websites, and cameras). Such analysis resorts to computer vision, machine learning, data mining, and other advanced technologies to connect food and humans. (p. 92:3) The authors cover databases that include recipes, dish images, cooking videos, food attributes, food logs, restaurant-relevant food information, healthiness, and other miscellaneous food data. One challenge of this field is that it is rapidly changing. Many of the database references are no longer available. Some of the databases may require a login and password, and some of the databases may require proprietary software. One problem that has to be solved in this area concerns the detection and analysis of irregularly shaped images. When food is served at a restaurant, its presentation results in an irregularly shaped object. The workaround for this is to have the consumer provide the name of the dish along with its picture. One of the goals of food computing is to provide consumers with a summary of sources for food information. Suppose a consumer goes to a restaurant and orders a serving of spaghetti and meatballs. In this situation, the consumer could take a picture of the served food and send it off (along with a description) for processing. After processing, the consumer would receive the calories and ingredients associated with a serving of spaghetti and meatballs, which could then be downloaded into a food log. A dietitian could then analyze the food log in order to make diet recommendations. This article contains references that could be used by food scientists, dietitians, nutritionists, agricultural scientists, and instructors associated with family economics. Within computer science, this article touches on image databases, data mining, textual databases, image digitization, image capture, and computer vision associated with pattern recognition.

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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 52, Issue 5
September 2020
791 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sartaj Sahni
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Publication History

Published: 13 September 2019
Accepted: 01 April 2019
Revised: 01 March 2019
Received: 01 September 2018
Published in CSUR Volume 52, Issue 5


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Author Tags

  1. Food computing
  2. food perception
  3. food recognition
  4. food retrieval
  5. health
  6. monitoring
  7. recipe analysis
  8. recipe recommendation
  9. survey


  • Survey
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  • National Natural Science Foundation of China


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