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10.1145/3331076.3331101acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesideasConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Database system comparison based on spatiotemporal functionality

Published: 10 June 2019 Publication History


The amount of sources and sheer volumes of spatiotemporal data have met an unprecedented growth during the last decade. As a consequence, a rapidly increasing number of applications are seeking to generate value by crunching those data. The development of a system that will tap into the potential value of the spatiotemporal big data analysis for a multitude of applications remains one of the biggest challenges in computer engineering. This paper delves into the key-characteristics of the most prominent suchlike systems. In particular, it provides a thorough analysis of NoSQL datastores as well as a traditional relational database system in terms of their geospatial querying capabilities.


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IDEAS '19: Proceedings of the 23rd International Database Applications & Engineering Symposium
June 2019
364 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 June 2019


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Author Tags

  1. data stores
  2. geospatial functionality
  3. spatio-temporal characteristics
  4. spatio-temporal databases


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • European Union


IDEAS 2019

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Overall Acceptance Rate 74 of 210 submissions, 35%


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