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"More than just a Picture" -- The Importance of Context in Search User Interfaces for Three-Dimensional Content

Published: 14 March 2020 Publication History


While searching for two-dimensional content has become common practice in our work and leisure activities, search and retrieval of three-dimensional assets has thus far been underrepresented in research and practice. Therefore, it is unclear how to exactly support complex searches for these types of content. To contribute to fill this gap, this paper focuses on the role of context in Search User Interfaces (SUIs) for 3D objects and shows how it is envisioned by digital humanists in an exploratory user study. An evaluation of interactive mockups of a prospective search engine, contextualized by 2D, enhanced 2D and 3D maps, shows the scholars' preference for three-dimensional map views. A further qualitative analysis also suggests the need for more hybrid ways to visualize spatial context of 3D objects. This includes object properties, object relationships and spatial cues. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of SUI support for accessing the growing number of reality-based 3D models and virtual reconstructions.


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  • (2021)3D Reconstructions as Research Hubs: Geospatial Interfaces for Real-Time Data Exploration of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam Domestic InteriorsOpen Archaeology10.1515/opar-2020-01427:1(314-336)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2021

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  1. "More than just a Picture" -- The Importance of Context in Search User Interfaces for Three-Dimensional Content



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                        cover image ACM Conferences
                        CHIIR '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
                        March 2020
                        596 pages
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                        Association for Computing Machinery

                        New York, NY, United States

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                        Published: 14 March 2020


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                        1. 3d objects
                        2. context
                        3. digital humanities
                        4. map displays
                        5. search engines
                        6. search user interfaces
                        7. spatial context
                        8. user studies
                        9. virtual reconstructions


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                        • (2021)3D Reconstructions as Research Hubs: Geospatial Interfaces for Real-Time Data Exploration of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam Domestic InteriorsOpen Archaeology10.1515/opar-2020-01427:1(314-336)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2021

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