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10.1145/3381271.3381278acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicmipConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Video dehazing based on CNN

Published: 28 February 2020 Publication History


The appearance of outdoor images is easily affected by natural phenomena such as fog and dust, which reduces contrast and color distortion. Video dehazing has a wide range of real-time applications, but the challenges mainly come from large amount of computation and bad real-time performance. In this paper, we propose a video dehazing system which is an end-to-end network based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). The dehazing algorithm learns the scene transmission and the global atmospheric light simultaneously, which simplifies the dehaze process and improves the real-time performance. Finally, we process videos through combining the end-to-end dehaze network and bicubic interpolation algorithm, and obtain satisfactory results. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods on both quantitative and qualitative evaluation.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Other conferences
ICMIP '20: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing
January 2020
191 pages
  • Conference Chair:
  • Wanyang Dai,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Xiangyang Hao,
  • Ramayah T,
  • Fehmi Jaafar
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  • NJU: Nanjing University


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 28 February 2020


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Author Tags

  1. CNN (convolutional neural network)
  2. atmospheric scattering physical model
  3. bicubic interpolation algorithm
  4. image dehazing
  5. image restoration


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • Beijing Institute of Technology


ICMIP 2020
  • NJU


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