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Chameleon: predictable latency and high utilization with queue-aware and adaptive source routing

Published: 24 November 2020 Publication History


This paper presents Chameleon, a cloud network providing both predictable latency and high utilization, typically two conflicting goals, especially in multi-tenant datacenters. Chameleon exploits routing flexibilities available in modern communication networks to dynamically adapt toward the demand, and uses network calculus principles along individual paths. More specifically, Chameleon employs source routing on the "queue-level topology", a network abstraction that accounts for the current states of the network queues and, hence, the different delays of different paths. Chameleon is based on a simple greedy algorithm and can be deployed at the edge; it does not require any modifications of network devices. We implement and evaluate Chameleon in simulations and a real testbed. Compared to state-of-the-art, we find that Chameleon can admit and embed significantly, i.e., up to 15 times more flows, improving network utilization while meeting strict latency guarantees.

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  1. Chameleon: predictable latency and high utilization with queue-aware and adaptive source routing



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