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Real Differences between OT and CRDT in Correctness and Complexity for Consistency Maintenance in Co-Editors

Published: 29 May 2020 Publication History


OT (Operational Transformation) was invented for supporting real-time co-editors in the late 1980s and has evolved to become core techniques widely used in today's working co-editors and adopted in industrial products. CRDT (Commutative Replicated Data Type) for co-editors was first proposed around 2006, under the name of WOOT (WithOut Operational Transformation). Follow-up CRDT variations are commonly labeled as "post-OT" techniques capable of making concurrent operations natively commutative in co-editors. On top of that, CRDT solutions have made broad claims of superiority over OT solutions, and often portrayed OT as an incorrect and inefficient technique. Over one decade later, however, CRDT is rarely found in working co-editors; OT remains the choice for building the vast majority of today's co-editors. Contradictions between the reality and CRDT's purported advantages have been the source of much confusion and debate in co-editing researcher and developer communities. To seek truth from facts, we set out to conduct a comprehensive and critical review on representative OT and CRDT solutions and working co-editors based on them. From this work, we have made important discoveries about OT and CRDT, and revealed facts and evidences that refute CRDT claims over OT on all accounts. These discoveries help explain the underlying reasons for the choice between OT and CRDT in the real world. We report these results in a series of three articles. In this article (the second in the series), we reveal the differences between OT and CRDT in their basic approaches to realizing the same general transformation and how such differences had resulted in different technical challenges and consequential correctness and complexity issues. Moreover, we reveal hidden complexity and algorithmic flaws with representative CRDT solutions, and discuss common myths and facts related to correctness and complexity of OT and CRDT. We hope the discoveries from this work help clear up common myths and confusions surrounding OT and CRDT, and accelerate progress in co-editing technology for real world applications.


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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 4, Issue CSCW1
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    Published: 29 May 2020
    Published in PACMHCI Volume 4, Issue CSCW1


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    1. commutative replicated data type (CRDT)
    2. computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) and social computing
    3. concurrency control
    4. consistency maintenance
    5. distributed/internet/cloud computing
    6. operational transformation (OT)
    7. real-time co-editing


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