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10.1145/3394171.3413578acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Beyond the Parts: Learning Multi-view Cross-part Correlation for Vehicle Re-identification

Published: 12 October 2020 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Vehicle re-identification (Re-Id) is a challenging task due to the inter-class similarity, the intra-class difference, and the cross-view misalignment of vehicle parts. Although recent methods achieve great improvement by learning detailed features from keypoints or bounding boxes of parts, vehicle Re-Id is still far from being solved. Different from existing methods, we propose a Parsing-guided Cross-part Reasoning Network, named as PCRNet, for vehicle Re-Id. The PCRNet explores vehicle parsing to learn discriminative part-level features, model the correlation among vehicle parts, and achieve precise part alignment for vehicle Re-Id. To accurately segment vehicle parts, we first build a large-scale Multi-grained Vehicle Parsing (MVP) dataset from surveillance images. With the parsed parts, we extract regional features for each part and build a part-neighboring graph to explicitly model the correlation among parts. Then, the graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are adopted to propagate local information among parts, which can discover the most effective local features of varied viewpoints. Moreover, we propose a self-supervised part prediction loss to make the GCNs generate features of invisible parts from visible parts under different viewpoints. By this means, the same vehicle from different viewpoints can be matched with the well-aligned and robust feature representations. Through extensive experiments, our PCRNet significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on three large-scale vehicle Re-Id datasets.

    Supplementary Material

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    Vehicle re-identification (Re-Id) is a challenging task. Although recent methods achieve great improvement by learning detailed features from keypoints or parts, vehicle Re-Id is still far from being solved. Different from existing methods, we propose a Parsing- guided Cross-part Reasoning Network for vehicle Re-Id. We explore vehicle parsing to learn part-level features, model the correlation among parts, and achieve precise part alignment for vehicle Re-Id. To segment vehicle parts, we build a Multi-grained Vehicle Parsing dataset. With the parsed parts, we extract regional features and build a part-neighboring graph to explicitly model the correlation among parts. Then, the graph convolutional networks are adopted to propagate local information among parts, which can discover effective local features of varied viewpoints. By this means, the same vehicle from different viewpoints can be matched with the well-aligned and robust feature representations.


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    1. Beyond the Parts: Learning Multi-view Cross-part Correlation for Vehicle Re-identification



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        MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
        October 2020
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        Published: 12 October 2020


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        1. graph convolutional network
        2. image segmentation
        3. self-supervised learning
        4. vehicle parsing
        5. vehicle re-identification


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        • Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI)
        • Zhejiang Province Nature Science Foundation of China
        • National Nature Science Foundation of China


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