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10.1145/3394171.3414031acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

ISIA Food-500: A Dataset for Large-Scale Food Recognition via Stacked Global-Local Attention Network

Published: 12 October 2020 Publication History


Food recognition has received more and more attention in the multimedia community for its various real-world applications, such as diet management and self-service restaurants. A large-scale ontology of food images is urgently needed for developing advanced large-scale food recognition algorithms, as well as for providing the benchmark dataset for such algorithms. To encourage further progress in food recognition, we introduce the dataset ISIA Food-500 with 500 categories from the list in the Wikipedia and 399,726 images, a more comprehensive food dataset that surpasses existing popular benchmark datasets by category coverage and data volume. Furthermore, we propose a stacked global-local attention network, which consists of two sub-networks for food recognition. One sub-network first utilizes hybrid spatial-channel attention to extract more discriminative features, and then aggregates these multi-scale discriminative features from multiple layers into global-level representation (e.g., texture and shape information about food). The other one generates attentional regions (e.g., ingredient relevant regions) from different regions via cascaded spatial transformers, and further aggregates these multi-scale regional features from different layers into local-level representation. These two types of features are finally fused as comprehensive representation for food recognition. Extensive experiments on ISIA Food-500 and other two popular benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, and thus can be considered as one strong baseline. The dataset, code and models can be found at

Supplementary Material

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ISIA Food-500: A Dataset for Large-Scale Food Recognition via Stacked Global-Local Attention Network


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  1. ISIA Food-500: A Dataset for Large-Scale Food Recognition via Stacked Global-Local Attention Network



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      MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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