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The Impact of Thinking-Aloud on Usability Inspection

Published: 18 June 2020 Publication History


This study compared the results of a usability inspection conducted under two separate conditions: An explicit concurrent think-aloud that required explanations and silent working. 12 student analysts inspected two travel websites thinking-aloud and working in silence to produce a set of problem predictions. Overall, the silent working condition produced more initial predictions, but the think-aloud condition yielded a greater proportion of accurate predictions as revealed by falsification testing. The analysts used a range of problem discovery methods with system searching being favoured by the silent working condition and the more active, goal playing discovery method in the think-aloud condition. Thinking-aloud was also associated with a broader spread of knowledge resources.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 4, Issue EICS
June 2020
534 pages
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Published: 18 June 2020
Online AM: 07 May 2020
Published in PACMHCI Volume 4, Issue EICS


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  1. evaluation resources
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  3. think-aloud
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