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10.1145/3423211.3425669acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmiddlewareConference Proceedingsconference-collections

PASTRAMI: Privacy-preserving, Auditable, Scalable & Trustworthy Auctions for Multiple Items

Published: 11 December 2020 Publication History


Decentralised cloud computing platforms enable individuals to offer and rent resources in a peer-to-peer fashion. They must assign resources from multiple sellers to multiple buyers and derive prices that match the interests and capacities of both parties. The assignment process must be decentralised, fair and transparent, but also protect the privacy of buyers.
We present PASTRAMI, a decentralised platform enabling trustworthy assignments of items and prices between a large number of sellers and bidders, through the support of multi-item auctions. PASTRAMI uses threshold blind signatures and commitment schemes to provide strong privacy guarantees while making bidders accountable. It leverages the Ethereum blockchain for auditability, combining efficient off-chain computations with novel, on-chain proofs of misbehaviour. Our evaluation of PASTRAMI using Filecoin workloads show its ability to efficiently produce trustworthy assignments between thousands of buyers and sellers.


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  1. PASTRAMI: Privacy-preserving, Auditable, Scalable & Trustworthy Auctions for Multiple Items



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      Middleware '20: Proceedings of the 21st International Middleware Conference
      December 2020
      455 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 11 December 2020


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      1. Keywords blockchains
      2. distributed systems
      3. security and privacy
      4. trusted computing


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      Middleware '20
      Middleware '20: 21st International Middleware Conference
      December 7 - 11, 2020
      Delft, Netherlands

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