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Interaction with Virtual Content using Augmented Reality: A User Study in Assembly Procedures

Published: 04 November 2020 Publication History


Assembly procedures are a common task in several domains of application. Augmented Reality (AR) has been considered as having great potential in assisting users while performing such tasks. However, poor interaction design and lack of studies, often results in complex and hard to use AR systems. This paper considers three different interaction methods for assembly procedures (Touch gestures in a mobile device; Mobile Device movements; 3D Controllers and See-through HMD). It also describes a controlled experiment aimed at comparing acceptance and usability between these methods in an assembly task using Lego blocks. The main conclusions are that participants were faster using the 3D controllers and Video see-through HMD. Participants also preferred the HMD condition, even though some reported light symptoms of nausea, sickness and/or disorientation, probably due to limited resolution of the HMD cameras used in the video see-through setting and some latency issues. In addition, although some research claims that manipulation of virtual objects with movements of the mobile device can be considered as natural, this condition was the least preferred by the participants.

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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 4, Issue ISS
November 2020
488 pages
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New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 November 2020
Published in PACMHCI Volume 4, Issue ISS


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Author Tags

  1. assembly guidance
  2. augmented reality
  3. controllers
  4. device movement
  5. interaction
  6. mid-air gestures
  7. touch gestures
  8. user study


  • Research-article

Funding Sources

  • IEETA - Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro, funded by FCT, project [UID/CEC/00127/2019]
  • Produtech ? SIF ? Solutions for the Industry of the Future [POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-024541]


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