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10.1145/3434780.3436674acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesteemConference Proceedingsconference-collections

News media behaviour in Twitter during a major political event: Study of the Twitter accounts of the main Spanish news media before the 10N General Elections

Published: 22 January 2021 Publication History


Twitter is considered one of the most relevant social platforms for political discussion, as well as one of the most visible scenarios for mass media to share their contents and inform their audiences. This work analyses the tweets posted by the accounts of twenty relevant Spanish mass media during the two weeks prior to the 10th of November General Elections in Spain. It was observed that political information was covered in more than one fifth of the tweets, that digital media were the ones paying most attention to politics, and that PSOE and VOX were the most mentioned parties.
Twitter account
Antena 3
La 1
La Sexta
Onda Cero
El País
El Mundo
La Razón
20 Minutos
El Español
El Confidencial
Search terms
@PSOE; @sanchezcastejon; @Adrilastra; @mjmonteroc; PSOE; Pedro Sánchez (Sánchez); Adriana Lastra (Lastra); Mª (María) Jesús Montero; Carmen Calvo.
@populares; @PabloCasado_; @anapastorjulian; @CayetanaAT; @TeoGarciaEgea; PP; Pablo Casado (Casado); Ana Pastor (Pastor); Álvarez de Toledo; Teodoro García Egea.
@CiudadanosCs; @Cs_Madrid; @Albert_Rivera; @InesArrimadas; @begonavillacis; Albert Rivera (Rivera); Inés Arrimadas (Arrimadas); Ciudadanos; Cs; C's.
@ahorapodemos; @Pablo_Iglesias_; @Irene_Montero_; @agarzon; Pablo Iglesias (Iglesias); Irene Montero (Montero); Alberto Garzón (Garzón).
@vox_es; @Santi_ABASCAL; @monasterioR; @ivanedlm; Vox; Santiago Abascal (Abascal); Espinosa de los Monteros; Rocío Monasterio (Monasterio).
@MasPais_es; @ierrejon; Iñigo Errejón (Errejón).
@Esquerra_ERC; @gabrielrufian; Gabriel Rufián (Rufián); ERC.
@JxCat; @QuimTorraiPla; Borràs; Torra.
@eajpnv; @aitor_esteban; PNV, Aitor Esteban.
@ehbildu; @ArnaldoOtegi; Arnaldo Otegi (Otegi), Bildu.
It is interesting to highlight how printed media, despite being the ones with the largest number of tweets of the period, are the ones with the smallest proportion of political information –16.04% of all their tweets–; this can be explained by the diverse coverage of these media, who must include information about multiple topics. It is also relevant to point out the lack of interest in political information of the Twitter accounts of two television broadcasters: Telecinco and Cuatro, both of them belonging to the Mediaset media conglomerate, what agrees with the business model of this group, more focused on entertainment than information (see Figure 2).


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  • (2021)Cobertura de diarios en Twitter de las elecciones autonómicas de Madrid 2021. Procesamiento de lenguaje natural y algoritmos de aprendizaje automáticoEl Profesional de la información10.3145/epi.2021.nov.11Online publication date: 23-Nov-2021



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TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
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Published: 22 January 2021


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  • (2021)Cobertura de diarios en Twitter de las elecciones autonómicas de Madrid 2021. Procesamiento de lenguaje natural y algoritmos de aprendizaje automáticoEl Profesional de la información10.3145/epi.2021.nov.11Online publication date: 23-Nov-2021

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