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10.1145/3437992.3439927acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespoplConference Proceedingsconference-collections

CertRL: formalizing convergence proofs for value and policy iteration in Coq

Published: 20 January 2021 Publication History


Reinforcement learning algorithms solve sequential decision-making problems in probabilistic environments by optimizing for long-term reward. The desire to use reinforcement learning in safety-critical settings inspires a recent line of work on formally constrained reinforcement learning; however, these methods place the implementation of the learning algorithm in their Trusted Computing Base. The crucial correctness property of these implementations is a guarantee that the learning algorithm converges to an optimal policy.
This paper begins the work of closing this gap by developing a Coq formalization of two canonical reinforcement learning algorithms: value and policy iteration for finite state Markov decision processes. The central results are a formalization of the Bellman optimality principle and its proof, which uses a contraction property of Bellman optimality operator to establish that a sequence converges in the infinite horizon limit. The CertRL development exemplifies how the Giry monad and mechanized metric coinduction streamline optimality proofs for reinforcement learning algorithms. The CertRL library provides a general framework for proving properties about Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning algorithms, paving the way for further work on formalization of reinforcement learning algorithms.

Supplementary Material

Auxiliary Archive (poplws21cppmain-p30-p-archive.zip)
This submission contains the source code of the formalization on which the paper is based.


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CPP 2021: Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs
January 2021
342 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 20 January 2021


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  1. Coinduction
  2. Formal Verification
  3. Policy Iteration
  4. Reinforcement Learning
  5. Value Iteration


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