Cited By
View all- Antweiler DFuchs G(2022)Visualizing Rule-based Classifiers for Clinical Risk Prognosis2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS)10.1109/VIS54862.2022.00020(55-59)Online publication date: Oct-2022
As a fundamental data mining task, frequent pattern mining has widespread applications in many different domains. Concept lattice is a very useful formal analysis tool. There is a one-to-one correspondence between concept intensions and frequent ...
The task of data mining is to find the useful information within the incredible sets of data. One of important research areas of data mining is mining association rules. If we can find these relations by mining association rules, we can provide better ...
The problem of data mining is to discover the pattern or trend in huge volume of data. The problem is similar to knowledge discovery in artificial intelligence. Here our goal is to discover rules that reflect the pattern in the data. These rules are ...
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