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10.1145/3448016.3457317acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Automatic Optimization of Matrix Implementations for Distributed Machine Learning and Linear Algebra

Published: 18 June 2021 Publication History


Machine learning (ML) computations are often expressed using vectors, matrices, or higher-dimensional tensors. Such data structures can have many different implementations, especially in a distributed environment: a matrix could be stored as row or column vectors, tiles of different sizes, or relationally, as a set of (rowIndex, colIndex, value) triples. Many other storage formats are possible. The choice of format can have a profound impact on the performance of a ML computation. In this paper, we propose a framework for automatic optimization of the physical implementation of a complex ML or linear algebra (LA) computation in a distributed environment, develop algorithms for solving this problem, and show, through a prototype on top of a distributed relational database system, that our ideas can radically speed up common ML and LA computations.

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Machine learning (ML) computations are often expressed using vectors, matrices, or higher-dimensional tensors. Such data structures can have many different implementations, especially in a distributed environment: a matrix could be stored as row or column vectors, tiles of different sizes, or relationally, as a set of (rowIndex, colIndex, value) triples. Many other storage formats are possible. The choice of format can have a profound impact on the performance of a ML computation. In this paper, we propose a framework for automatic optimization of the physical implementation of a complex ML or linear algebra computation in a distributed environment, develop algorithms for solving this problem, and show, through a prototype on top of a distributed relational database system, that our ideas can radically speed up common ML and LA computations.


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  1. Automatic Optimization of Matrix Implementations for Distributed Machine Learning and Linear Algebra



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