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Exploring Entrepreneurial Activities in Marginalized Widows: A Case from Rural Sri Lanka

Published: 22 April 2021 Publication History


In some developing countries, widows are looked down upon and are often considered inauspicious especially in rural regions. Some societies even consider them and their issues invisible. This paper presents findings from a qualitative study focused on understanding how technology could facilitate entrepreneurial and DIY activities of widows from rural Sri Lanka. We conducted semi-structured interviews and field observations with thirteen widows from low socio-economic backgrounds, who were involved in various small-scale entrepreneurial activities. Our findings showed three central aspects associated with their entrepreneurial activities which can be supported through technology: initial stages of entrepreneurship, balancing work with life, and dealing with exploitations. This paper explores how gender inequality in a social context affects marginalized women in rural Sri Lanka in conducting their entrepreneurial efforts. In particular, we highlight resilient practices that the participants apply to support their entrepreneurial activities. With an "assets-based approach" we conclude by providing implications for policymakers, media, and HCI practitioners to support this inbuilt resilience by leveraging their current assets.


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