Cited By
View all- Ancona DFerrando AMascardi V(2023)Exploiting Logic Programming for Runtime Verification: Current and Future PerspectivesProlog: The Next 50 Years10.1007/978-3-031-35254-6_25(300-317)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2023
Software agents are a promising technology for the development of complex systems, although few testing techniques have been proposed to validate these systems. In this paper, we propose an agent-based approach to select test cases and test the ...
The importance and impact of testing are becoming crucial and strategic for the deployment and use of software and systems. Several techniques have been defined all along the protocol testing process, that allow validating multiple facets of a protocol ...
To reduce test cost for SOC products, it is important to reduce the cost of testers. When using low-cost testers which have a limited test bandwidth to perform testing, Built-In- Self-Test (BIST) is necessary to reduce the data volume to be transmitted ...
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