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View all- Musick GDuan WNajafian SSengupta SFlathmann CKnijnenburg BMcNeese N(2024)To Share or Not to Share: Understanding and Modeling Individual Disclosure Preferences in Recommender Systems for the WorkplaceProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36330748:GROUP(1-28)Online publication date: 21-Feb-2024
- Bukhari MMaqsood MAadil F(2024)KGR: A Kernel-Mapping Based Group Recommender System Using Trust RelationsNeural Processing Letters10.1007/s11063-024-11639-456:4Online publication date: 19-Jun-2024
- Najafian SMusick GKnijnenburg BTintarev N(2023)How do people make decisions in disclosing personal information in tourism group recommendations in competitive versus cooperative conditions?User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction10.1007/s11257-023-09375-w34:3(549-581)Online publication date: 12-Jul-2023
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