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10.1145/3467707.3467764acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiccaiConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Online Audio-Visual Speech Separation with Generative Adversarial Training

Published: 24 September 2021 Publication History


Audio-visual speech separation has been demonstrated to be effective in solving the cocktail party problem. However, most of the models cannot meet online processing, which limits their application in video communication and human-robot interaction. Besides, SI-SNR, the most popular training loss function in speech separation, results in some artifacts in the separated audio, which would harm downstream applications, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this paper, we propose an online audio-visual speech separation model with generative adversarial training to solve the two problems mentioned above. We build our generator (i.e., audio-visual speech separator) with causal temporal convolutional network block and propose a streaming inference strategy, which allows our model to do speech separation in an online manner. The discriminator is involved in optimizing the generator, which can reduce the negative effects of SI-SNR. Experiments on simulated 2-speaker mixtures based on challenging audio-visual dataset LRS2 show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art audio-only model Conv-TasNet and audio-visual model advr-AVSS under the same model size. We test the running time of our model on GPU and CPU, and results show that our model meets online processing. The demo and code can be found at https://github.com/aispeech-lab/oavss.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)A review on speech separation in cocktail party environment: challenges and approachesMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-023-14649-x82:20(31035-31067)Online publication date: 23-Feb-2023



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ICCAI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 7th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence
April 2021
498 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 September 2021


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Author Tags

  1. Audio-visual speech separation
  2. causal temporal convolutional network
  3. generative adversarial training
  4. online processing


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

Funding Sources

  • the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • the National Key Research and Development Program of China




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  • (2023)A review on speech separation in cocktail party environment: challenges and approachesMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-023-14649-x82:20(31035-31067)Online publication date: 23-Feb-2023

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