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Characterizing search activities on stack overflow

Published: 18 August 2021 Publication History


To solve programming issues, developers commonly search on Stack Overflow to seek potential solutions. However, there is a gap between the knowledge developers are interested in and the knowledge they are able to retrieve using search engines. To help developers efficiently retrieve relevant knowledge on Stack Overflow, prior studies proposed several techniques to reformulate queries and generate summarized answers. However, few studies performed a large-scale analysis using real-world search logs. In this paper, we characterize how developers search on Stack Overflow using such logs. By doing so, we identify the challenges developers face when searching on Stack Overflow and seek opportunities for the platform and researchers to help developers efficiently retrieve knowledge. To characterize search activities on Stack Overflow, we use search log data based on requests to Stack Overflow's web servers. We find that the most common search activity is reformulating the immediately preceding queries. Related work looked into query reformulations when using generic search engines and found 13 types of query reformulation strategies. Compared to their results, we observe that 71.78% of the reformulations can be fitted into those reformulation strategies. In terms of how queries are structured, 17.41% of the search sessions only search for fragments of source code artifacts (e.g., class and method names) without specifying the names of programming languages, libraries, or frameworks. Based on our findings, we provide actionable suggestions for Stack Overflow moderators and outline directions for future research. For example, we encourage Stack Overflow to set up a database that includes the relations between all computer programming terminologies shared on Stack Overflow, e.g., method name, data structure name, design pattern, and IDE name. By doing so, Stack Overflow could improve the performance of search engines by considering related programming terminologies at different levels of granularity.


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    ESEC/FSE 2021: Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
    August 2021
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 18 August 2021


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    1. Data Mining
    2. Query Logs
    3. Query Reformulation
    4. Stack Overflow


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    • the National Research Foundation, Singapore under its Industry Alignment Fund ? Prepositioning (IAF-PP) Funding Initiative.


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