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Metric Learning for Anti-Compression Facial Forgery Detection

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


Detecting facial forgery images and videos is an increasingly important topic in multimedia forensics. As forgery images and videos are usually compressed into different formats such as JPEG and H264 when circulating on the Internet, existing forgery-detection methods trained on uncompressed data often suffer from significant performance degradation in identifying them. To solve this problem, we propose a novel anti-compression facial forgery detection framework, which learns a compression-insensitive embedding feature space utilizing both original and compressed forgeries. Specifically, our approach consists of three ideas: (i) extracting compression-insensitive features from both uncompressed and compressed forgeries using an adversarial learning strategy; (ii) learning a robust partition by constructing a metric loss that can reduce the distance of the paired original and compressed images in the embedding space; (iii) improving the accuracy of tampered localization with an attention-transfer module. Experimental results demonstrate that, the proposed method is highly effective in handling both compressed and uncompressed facial forgery images.


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  1. Metric Learning for Anti-Compression Facial Forgery Detection



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    1. adversarial learning
    2. attention transfer
    3. facial forgery
    4. forgery detection
    5. metric learning


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    • (2024)Pixel Bleach Network for Detecting Face Forgery Under CompressionIEEE Transactions on Multimedia10.1109/TMM.2023.330124226(2585-2597)Online publication date: 2024
    • (2024)Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection With Compression-Resistant Model WatermarkingIEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10.1109/TAI.2024.33511165:7(3362-3373)Online publication date: Jul-2024
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