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FTAFace: Context-enhanced Face Detector with Fine-grained Task Attention

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


In face detection, it is a common strategy to treat samples differently according to their difficulty for balancing training data distribution. However, we observe that widely used sampling strategies, such as OHEM and Focal loss, can lead to the performance imbalance between different tasks (e.g., classification and localization). Through analysis, we point out that, due to the driving of classification information, these sample-based strategies are difficult to coordinate the attention of different tasks during the training, thus leading to the above imbalance. Accordingly, we first confirm this by shifting the attention from the sample level to the task level. Then, we propose a fine-grained task attention method, a.k.a FTA, including inter-task importance and intra-task importance, which adaptively adjusts the attention of each item in the task from both global and local perspectives, so as to achieve finer optimization. In addition, we introduce transformer as a feature enhancer to assist our convolution network, and propose a context enhancement transformer, a.k.a CET, to mine the spatial relationship in the features towards more robust feature representation. Extensive experiments on WiderFace and FDDB benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly boosts the baseline performance by 2.7%, 2.3% and 4.9% on easy, medium and hard validation sets respectively. Furthermore, the proposed FTAFace-light achieves higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art and reduces the amount of computation by 28.9%.

Supplementary Material

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