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ReNeuIR: Reaching Efficiency in Neural Information Retrieval

Published: 07 July 2022 Publication History


Perhaps the applied nature of information retrieval research goes some way to explain the community's rich history of evaluating machine learning models holistically, understanding that efficacy matters but so does the computational cost incurred to achieve it. This is evidenced, for example, by more than a decade of research on efficient training and inference of large decision forest models in learning-to-rank. As the community adopts even more complex, neural network-based models in a wide range of applications, questions on efficiency have once again become relevant. We propose this workshop as a forum for a critical discussion of efficiency in the era of neural information retrieval, to encourage debate on the current state and future directions of research in this space, and to promote more sustainable research by identifying best practices in the development and evaluation of neural models for information retrieval.


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    SIGIR '22: Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    July 2022
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    Published: 07 July 2022


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    1. algorithms and data structures
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    6. sustainable ir


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