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10.1145/3480433.3480447acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesaivrConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Isolating Uncertainty of the Face Expression Recognition with the Meta-Learning Supervisor Neural Network

Published: 08 November 2021 Publication History


We investigate whether the well-known poor performance of the head-on usage of the convolutional neural networks for the facial expression recognition task may be improved in terms of reducing the false positive and false negative errors. An uncertainty isolating technique is used that introduces an additional “unknown” class. A self-attention supervisor artificial neural network is used to “learn about learning” of the underlying convolutional neural networks, in particular, to learn patterns of the underlying neural network parameters that accompany wrong or correct verdicts. A novel data set containing artistic makeup and occlusions images is used to aggravate the problem of the training data not representing the test data distribution.


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  1. Isolating Uncertainty of the Face Expression Recognition with the Meta-Learning Supervisor Neural Network
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          cover image ACM Other conferences
          AIVR 2021: 2021 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR)
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          134 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

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          Published: 08 November 2021


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          1. Face expression recognition
          2. Meta-learning
          3. Self-attention
          4. Uncertainty isolation


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          AIVR 2021


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          • (2024)Explicit Model Memorisation to Fight Forgetting in Time-series PredictionSoutheastCon 202410.1109/SoutheastCon52093.2024.10500223(660-667)Online publication date: 15-Mar-2024
          • (2023)Elements of Continuous Reassessment and Uncertainty Self-awareness: A Narrow Implementation for Face and Facial Expression RecognitionAdvanced Intelligent Virtual Reality Technologies10.1007/978-981-19-7742-8_5(61-71)Online publication date: 20-Jan-2023

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