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Earth Imagery Segmentation on Terrain Surface with Limited Training Labels: A Semi-supervised Approach based on Physics-Guided Graph Co-Training

Published: 05 January 2022 Publication History


Given earth imagery with spectral features on a terrain surface, this paper studies surface segmentation based on both explanatory features and surface topology. The problem is important in many spatial and spatiotemporal applications such as flood extent mapping in hydrology. The problem is uniquely challenging for several reasons: first, the size of earth imagery on a terrain surface is often much larger than the input of popular deep convolutional neural networks; second, there exists topological structure dependency between pixel classes on the surface, and such dependency can follow an unknown and non-linear distribution; third, there are often limited training labels. Existing methods for earth imagery segmentation often divide the imagery into patches and consider the elevation as an additional feature channel. These methods do not fully incorporate the spatial topological structural constraint within and across surface patches and thus often show poor results, especially when training labels are limited. Existing methods on semi-supervised and unsupervised learning for earth imagery often focus on learning representation without explicitly incorporating surface topology. In contrast, we propose a novel framework that explicitly models the topological skeleton of a terrain surface with a contour tree from computational topology, which is guided by the physical constraint (e.g., water flow direction on terrains). Our framework consists of two neural networks: a convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn spatial contextual features on a 2D image grid, and a graph neural network (GNN) to learn the statistical distribution of physics-guided spatial topological dependency on the contour tree. The two models are co-trained via variational EM. Evaluations on the real-world flood mapping datasets show that the proposed models outperform baseline methods in classification accuracy, especially when training labels are limited.


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Index Terms

  1. Earth Imagery Segmentation on Terrain Surface with Limited Training Labels: A Semi-supervised Approach based on Physics-Guided Graph Co-Training



          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
          ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 13, Issue 2
          April 2022
          392 pages
          • Editor:
          • Huan Liu
          Issue’s Table of Contents


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 05 January 2022
          Accepted: 01 August 2021
          Revised: 01 March 2021
          Received: 01 December 2020
          Published in TIST Volume 13, Issue 2


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          Author Tags

          1. Earth image segmentation
          2. terrain surface
          3. contour tree
          4. physic-guided
          5. semi-supervised


          • Research-article
          • Refereed

          Funding Sources

          • National Science Foundation (NSF)
          • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
          • Microsoft AI for Earth Grant
          • Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)


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          • (2024)Generative deep learning for data generation in natural hazard analysis: motivations, advances, challenges, and opportunitiesArtificial Intelligence Review10.1007/s10462-024-10764-957:6Online publication date: 30-May-2024
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