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TCP is Harmful to In-Network Computing: Designing a Message Transport Protocol (MTP)

Published: 04 November 2021 Publication History


This paper presents the motivation and design of MTP, a new offload-friendly message transport protocol. Existing transport protocols like TCP, MPTCP, and UDP/Quic all have key limitations when used in a network that may potentially offload computation from end-servers into NICs, switches, and other network devices. To enable important new in-network computing use cases and correct congestion control in the face of ever changing network paths and application replicas, MTP introduces a new message transport protocol design and pathlet congestion control, a new approach where end-hosts explicitly communicate messaging information to network devices and network devices explicitly communicate network path and congestion information back to end-hosts.


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  1. TCP is Harmful to In-Network Computing: Designing a Message Transport Protocol (MTP)



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    HotNets '21: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
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