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Topological Transduction for Hybrid Few-shot Learning

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    Digging informative knowledge and analyzing contents from the internet is a challenging task as web data may contain new concepts that are lack of sufficient labeled data as well as could be multimodal. Few-shot learning (FSL) has attracted significant research attention for dealing with scarcely labeled concepts. However, existing FSL algorithms have assumed a uniform task setting such that all samples in a few-shot task share a common feature space. Yet in the real web applications, it is usually the case that a task may involve multiple input feature spaces due to the heterogeneity of source data, that is, the few labeled samples in a task may be further divided and belong to different feature spaces, namely hybrid few-shot learning (hFSL). The hFSL setting results in a hybrid number of shots per class in each space and aggravates the data scarcity challenge as the number of training samples per class in each space is reduced. To alleviate these challenges, we propose the Task-adaptive Topological Transduction Network, namely TopoNet, which trains a heterogeneous graph-based transductive meta-learner that can combine information from both labeled and unlabeled data to enrich the knowledge about the task-specific data distribution and multi-space relationships. Specifically, we model the underlying data relationships of the few-shot task in a node-heterogeneous multi-relation graph, and then the meta-learner adapts to each task’s multi-space relationships as well as its inter- and intra-class data relationships, through an edge-enhanced heterogeneous graph neural network. Our experiments compared with existing approaches demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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    • (2023)On Hierarchical Disentanglement of Interactive Behaviors for Multimodal Spatiotemporal Data with IncompletenessProceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10.1145/3580305.3599448(213-225)Online publication date: 6-Aug-2023

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        Published: 25 April 2022


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        1. few-shot learning
        2. graph neural networks
        3. multimodal content analysis
        4. semi-supervised learning


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        • (2023)On Hierarchical Disentanglement of Interactive Behaviors for Multimodal Spatiotemporal Data with IncompletenessProceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10.1145/3580305.3599448(213-225)Online publication date: 6-Aug-2023

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