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Designing the Topology of Graph Neural Networks: A Novel Feature Fusion Perspective

Published: 25 April 2022 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown superior performance on diverse real-world applications. To improve the model capacity, besides designing aggregation operations, GNN topology design is also very important. In general, there are two mainstream GNN topology design manners. The first one is to stack aggregation operations to obtain the higher-level features but easily got performance drop as the network goes deeper. Secondly, the multiple aggregation operations are utilized in each layer which provides adequate and independent feature extraction stage on local neighbors while are costly to obtain the higher-level information. To enjoy the benefits while alleviating the corresponding deficiencies of these two manners, we learn to design the topology of GNNs in a novel feature fusion perspective which is dubbed F2GNN. To be specific, we provide a feature fusion perspective in designing GNN topology and propose a novel framework to unify the existing topology designs with feature selection and fusion strategies. Then we develop a neural architecture search method on top of the unified framework which contains a set of selection and fusion operations in the search space and an improved differentiable search algorithm. The performance gains on diverse datasets, five homophily and three heterophily ones, demonstrate the effectiveness of F2GNN. We further conduct experiments to show that F2GNN can improve the model capacity while alleviating the deficiencies of existing GNN topology design manners, especially alleviating the over-smoothing problem, by utilizing different levels of features adaptively. 1


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        Published: 25 April 2022


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        1. Graph Neural Networks
        2. Heterophily
        3. Neural Architecture Search
        4. Over-smoothing
        5. Topology Design


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