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10.1145/3490422.3502362acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesfpgaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Finding and Finessing Static Islands in Dynamically Scheduled Circuits

Published: 11 February 2022 Publication History


In high-level synthesis, scheduling is the process that determines the start time of each operation in hardware. A hardware design can be scheduled either at compile time (static), run time (dynamic), or both. Recent research has shown that combining dynamic and static scheduling can achieve high performance and small area. However, there is still a challenge to determine which part to schedule statically and which part dynamically. An inappropriate choice can lead to suboptimal design quality. This paper proposes a heuristic-driven approach to automatically determine 'static islands' - i.e., code regions that are amenable for static scheduling. Over a set of benchmarks where our approach is applicable, we show that our tool can achieve on average a 3.8-fold reduction in area combined with a 13% performance boost through automatic identification and synthesis of static islands from fully dynamically scheduled circuits. The performance of the resulting hardware is close to optimum (as determined by an exhaustive enumeration of all possible static islands).

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (FPGA22-fpgafp073.mp4)
Presentation video: "I don?t know hardware, and how can I get high performance hardware from the DASS HLS tool?" HLS tools ideally allow software engineers without hardware background to program custom hardware to achieve high performance. Still, it remains the case that automatically synthesizing high performance and area-efficient hardware from arbitrary high-level programs is challenging. A hardware design can be scheduled either at compile time (static), run time (dynamic), or both. The DASS HLS tool combines the best of two worlds, dynamic and static scheduling, to synthesize more efficient hardware. However, DASS requires the user to manually choose scheduling techniques for each part of the code, which contradicts the purpose of HLS tools. In this video, we demonstrate how we solve this problem and get rid of the pain in the DASS...


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FPGA '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
February 2022
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Published: 11 February 2022


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