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I Don't Usually Listen, I Read: How Different Learner Groups Process Game Feedback

Published: 28 April 2022 Publication History
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  • (2023)Exploring how children with reading difficulties respond to instructional supports in literacy games and the role of prior knowledgeBritish Journal of Educational Technology10.1111/bjet.1331854:5(1314-1331)Online publication date: 6-Apr-2023
  • (2023)A Game Design-Centric Taxonomy for Feedback Features in Digital Serious GamesGames and Learning Alliance10.1007/978-3-031-49065-1_37(385-389)Online publication date: 29-Nov-2023
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    • (2024)Move, React, Repeat! The Role of Continuous Cues in Immersive ExergamesProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36770918:CHI PLAY(1-23)Online publication date: 15-Oct-2024
    • (2023)Exploring how children with reading difficulties respond to instructional supports in literacy games and the role of prior knowledgeBritish Journal of Educational Technology10.1111/bjet.1331854:5(1314-1331)Online publication date: 6-Apr-2023
    • (2023)A Game Design-Centric Taxonomy for Feedback Features in Digital Serious GamesGames and Learning Alliance10.1007/978-3-031-49065-1_37(385-389)Online publication date: 29-Nov-2023
    • (2022)Reflections on Personalized Games-Based Learning: How Automation Is Shaped Within Everyday School PracticesIEEE Technology and Society Magazine10.1109/MTS.2022.317331441:2(64-67)Online publication date: Jun-2022

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