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Turn and Face the Strange: Investigating Filter Bubble Bursting Information Interactions

Published: 14 March 2022 Publication History


It is a ‘truth universally acknowledged’ that people prefer to minimize encounters with information they disagree with and ignore it where they find it. Algorithms purportedly support this avoidance by creating filter bubbles filled only with agreeable information potentially increasing polarisation and undermining democracy. How accurate is this portrayal, though? Recent research has begun to cast doubt. We challenge these assumptions and report a two-phase analysis of filter bubble-bursting behavior. The first phase reports novel incidental findings from an interview study on the role of information interaction in view change. Participants demonstrated a clear interest in a diversity of information, including information specifically opposed to their own views. The second phase reports findings from a diary study specifically designed to investigate people's interactions with information that reflected a different view to theirs. We examine how people found disagreeable information, how they responded to it and the factors affecting their responses. We find that people will sometimes actively seek and engage with disagreeable information, rather than avoid and ignore it. Our findings pave the way for future information interfaces that support this previously undiscussed information interaction.


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CHIIR '22: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
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Published: 14 March 2022


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  1. Filter bubbles
  2. echo chambers
  3. information interaction
  4. social media
  5. view change


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