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NeRF-SR: High Quality Neural Radiance Fields using Supersampling

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


We present NeRF-SR, a solution for high-resolution (HR) novel view synthesis with mostly low-resolution (LR) inputs. Our method is built upon Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) that predicts per-point density and color with a multi-layer perceptron. While producing images at arbitrary scales, NeRF struggles with resolutions that go beyond observed images. Our key insight is that NeRF benefits from 3D consistency, which means an observed pixel absorbs information from nearby views. We first exploit it by a super-sampling strategy that shoots multiple rays at each image pixel, which further enforces multi-view constraint at a sub-pixel level. Then, we show that NeRF-SR can further boost the performance of super-sampling by a refinement network that leverages the estimated depth at hand to hallucinate details from related patches on only one HR reference image. Experiment results demonstrate that NeRF-SR generates high-quality results for novel view synthesis at HR on both synthetic and real-world datasets without any external information. Project page: https://cwchenwang.github.io/NeRF-SR

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (MM22-fp0288.mp4)
Presentation video for NeRF-SR, in which we propose a framework for synthesizing HR novel views with only LR images and can flexibly adapt to limited HR reference images.


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